Applications & Forms

BTLA Appeal Application

To be filed with the Bord of Tax & Land Appeals to appeal the 

City's decision on your abatement application.

BTLA  A-9 Form

To obtain exempt status on your property if you are a religious,

educational or charitable organization.

BTLA  A-12 form

Charitable Organization Financial Statement
Current Use ApplicationFor assessing land under Current Use
Prorated Assessment for Damaged Buildings ApplicatonFor damaged buildings from unintended fire or natural disaster.

New Construction Tax Incentive Application Form

For Commercial/Industrial Construction Property Tax Exemption
Elderly Exemption Application PacketElderly Exemption for 65yr and older
Veteran's Credit Application Packet 

Veteran's Standard & Disabled Credit 

Elderly & Disabled Tax Deferral Application Packet

Tax Deferrals Application for Elderly or Disabled 

Blind Exemption PacketBlind Tax Exemption 

Property Abatement Application

Application for Property Assessment/Taxes Abatement(Not available at this time)