Bike Patrol

The Berlin Police Department conducts mountain bike patrols during the warmer months throughout the city.  The certified officers patrol city parks, walking paths, schools, playgrounds, and other areas patrol cars can’t easily access. The bike patrol officers also assist with calls for service and enforce all motor vehicle laws.  

This specialized unit strives to penetrate problem areas within the city with a proactive, high visibility approach.  It encourages communication with the citizens of Berlin through community policing.  The officers also educate the public on laws pertaining to riding bicycles within the city.  The face to face contact the officers have with the citizens has proven to have a positive effect on the community we serve and on our department.

Listed below are a few laws pertaining to riding a bicycle in New Hampshire and can be found at

265:143   Application of Motor Vehicle Laws to Bicycles

265:144   Riding on Bicycles

265:152   Bicycle Parking

266:86     Headlamp Required at Night

266:87     Pedal Reflectors and Reflective Equipment Required