City Manager's Report 6/15/2009

Neighborhood Stabilization Program Updates

On Thursday, Pam and Andre traveled to Concord for the Neighborhood Stabilization Program all-day training session on the rules and requirements. In addition, they were given a special one-hour class by the Office of the Inspector General on the management of these funds and what the consequences will be for mismanagement.

BOP Orientation Meetings

On Thursday June 4, 2009, a representative of the BOP spent the day in Berlin orienting various groups of people in the community about what to look for and how to prepare for their specific interest. Prospective employees were give specific advice on what they need to be concerned with and prepare for. Prospective businesses who might want to do business with the prison or take advantage of the new population which will be moving to the area were advised on what they should be prepared for and concerned with.

Laidlaw Tour

Last Thursday, some members of the AVER committee which is attempting to discuss the Laidlaw proposal toured the Laidlaw site. The City's attorney for the EFSEC process Jon Peress attended with me for this tour. Lou Bravakis led the fairly small group on a tour of the site and reviewed their plans for it.

June Planning Board Meeting

Last Tuesday, Laidlaw made a presentation to the Planning Board about its proposed project here in Berlin.  The board also reviewed a Site Plan application for the former Notre Dame High School from Dana Willis and James Tamposi.  They also made a final decision on the Jericho Mountain Wind Company windmill proposal.  Both the Notre Dame and wind site plan applications were approved.

BAA Meeting

Last Thursday evening the BAA met at the Airport’s new Snow Removal Equipment (SRE) building built with funds from the Federal Aviation Administration, State and Airport. There was discussion about the Airport Budget for this year which the Authority is having difficulty making because of the drop off in fuel sales.  

Drive in the 50’s

"Drive in the 50's" had a great day for the event and it seemed that it was a great turn out for this perennial favorite. Everything about the event seemed to go well and seemed like there were more cars than usual.


NCIC and Cathy Conway have moved out of the Courthouse offices and have relocated in Lancaster.  This is mixed blessing for Berlin. Cathy has been instrumental in many important events effecting the City including assisting in obtaining the original and subsequent Rural Development grants under which we hired and continue to hire Housing Coordinator Andre Caron. She helped re-write the City's sewer ordinance and lately has been assisting AVER in obtaining the grants it operates under. Cathy and NCIC are not leaving Berlin. However, NCIC is moving Cathy to better utilize her talents in their organization in service to both NH and Vermont.


The filing period for elected positions will begin Monday, September 21, 2009, at 9:00 a.m. and will end Monday, October 5, 2009at 4:00 p.m. (RSA 652:18II) at the City Clerk’s Office.  All candidates must be registered voters in the City of Berlin.  Candidates for Mayor must have been a Berlin resident for two (2) years.  Candidates for City Council must have been a Berlin resident for one (1) year.  The Municipal Election is nonpartisan.  Addition information including what positions are available are posted on the City’s web site 

Web Sites to Visit for a Positive Spin on Economic Development  and search Berlin, NH for Economic promise, potential in Berlin, NH

White Mountain National Forest PILT

We have received a letter from the WMNF that this year’s second Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) will be in the amount of $38,051. Combined with a payment already received, this will total about $52k this year which is quite a bit better than the $31k we budgeted this year.

Legislative Matters

The Legislature's State Budget Conference Committee is underway reviewing the budget bills HB1 and HB2.

The Senate has approved a reduction in the state share of the employer contribution for teachers, police, and fire, from 35% to 30% in fiscal year 2010 and 25% in fiscal year 2011 without an offsetting increase in employee rates. This means the difference will fall on municipalities unless NHMA is successful with a 28-a Constitutional challenge on the matter which hopefully it will pursue. In addition, the $17 million state liability to political subdivisions under the NHRS medical subsidy account remains eliminated in the proposed budget.

The Senate has also approved a highway funding plan based on increased vehicle registration fees and driver license fees. Municipalities would see an increase over three years under this bill but only a fraction of the increase they would see under the House bill which supports a gas tax increase.