
L.E.A.D. is a nonprofit organization, which stands for Law Enforcement Against Drugs, and its goal is to create safer, healthier communities free of drugs, bullying, and violence. The curriculum used is evidence based; and is created and updated by the Mendez Foundation.   

L.E.A.D. is presented each spring in the Berlin Elementary and Milan Village Schools. The class lasts approximately one hour each week for a 10 week period to all children in the fifth grade in Berlin, and the sixth grade in Milan. LEAD is presented by Lt. Zach Howry. 

L.E.A.D. utilizes Social and Emotional Learning to work through fun and interactive lessons, building the self-confidence young people need to make healthy choices and achieve success. It promotes positive, pro-social attitudes and behaviors, while fostering healthy relationships, resistance to substance abuse and conflict, and resistance to negative peer pressure and influence.

It also mitigates risk factors and promotes resiliency through the development of these skills and traits: Goal Setting, Decision Making, Effective Communication, Anger Management, Media Literacy, Conflict Resolution, Social and Emotional Competency, Pro-Social Bonding.
